The Best Haircut for a Receding Hairline
Receding hairlines get a bad rap. The phrase itself just doesn’t sound nice, and we don’t usually associate it as a desired feature. But, the list of hot men with receding hairlines just keeps growing (like your hairline…too soon?) and we love ourselves a Chris Meloni, Dwyane Johnson, and Sting type of beat. Those men absolutely rock their hairlines, and have even made their looks iconic, but a lot of guys still don’t feel comfortable with the hairline they were handed at birth. That’s completely okay, and here at Haircuts for Humans we understand part of the beauty industry is the magic of changing your god-given looks. We’re here to deliver the holy grail of haircuts, ones that look great with your natural style. Behold below: the best haircuts for receding hairlines.
Buzz it Off, Baby
Perhaps the most obvious choice, one that you didn’t need a team of bloggers to point out, is to buzz off your hair and get it over with. If you’re worried about waiting for the hair line to just keep going backwards, get ahead of the game. Buzzing your hair or going full bald is a classic, bold look men have been rocking since the beginning of time. Confidence is key, so if you’ve been embarrassed by your mane for too long, it’s time to take control.
Bald and Beautiful
Yes, this is a big move. Yes, you may have thought of it as a last resort. And yes, it’s a style (we promise). Going bald will give you a sense of self-esteem you didn’t even know was achievable. Not to mention the look is literally as low maintenance as it gets. There’s something about a clean-shaven head that instantly demands attention and respect. They don’t hide behind their hair or worry about the flow. Men who go fully bald (intentionally or not) let their personality, charm, and style speak for them. There’s some notable celebs who have been sporting the clean-shave forever, and we hope they never stop.
Does it get more badass and effortlessly charming than Bruce Willis himself?
Crewcut Casanovas
We always wondered where the name “crewcut” came from. Turns out, the alleged origin story makes sense. Legend has it (aka the internet) that the haircut was coined by a member of Yale’s rowing team who cut his hair extremely short and the rest of the crew adopted the cut (makes sense). Since rowers face the opposite way the boat is traveling, the wind would blow longer hair in their faces, and with their hands on the oars they couldn’t move it away. It’s a pretty interesting story if true. The look has stayed around since the roaring 20s and some serious studs have adopted it as their signature look.
We’re just wondering – did Chrissy have anything to do with this, John?
John Legend via Esquire
Bold Styles for Miles
This route may take a little more effort, and a whole lot of swag, but we applaud the guys who go for iconic styles and embrace their hairlines. Adopting a signature hairstyle that people automatically associate with you is a boss move. There are so many styles throughout the ages where their hair spoke before they did (Cosmo Kramer, anyone?) and we think it is absolutely dope. If you opt for this avenue it also takes a lot of thought out of what you might consider your “predicament;” you know the look you’ll do everyday, it’s kind of like your uniform.
Slicked-Back Haircut for Receding Hairline
A chic, slicked-back style on a guy can say a lot about him. He’s classy, he means business, and he likes a two-minute kind of hair routine. This is one of the best haircuts for receding hairlines because it half embraces your hairline while also hiding it in other ways. You’re simply sweeping back what you have with some product and calling it a day. Similar to guys who bare bald heads, it definitely can take a confident man to properly pull off the look. But who says that man isn’t you? Guys who like to dress up their looks more than not are best suited for this hairstyle.
It’s Leo. Enough said.
Leonardo DiCaprio via GQ
Mohawked Man Candy
Punk rock is still alive and well, and so is the mohawk. This not-so-subtle hairstyle is one of the best for receding hairlines because it takes all the attention to the hair you still have left. You might think only rock stars have this out-there hairstyle, but guys of all different aesthetics have chosen the mohawk for their manes. Mohawks are known chick magnets as well if you’re looking for help in that department. The style is super low maintenance and takes zero effort if you don’t have one that is miles high. Make sure you aren’t applying for a corporate job any time soon and you’re all good. Or, actually, it’s 2022 — get the mohawk and go be a lawyer if you want.
David is just so Posh.
David Beckham via The Mirror
Hot Tip: Go Product-Packed
If you want to keep it simple and not change up your style entirely, we suggest getting a good hair product. A pomade or gel is worth investing in to give your hair some texture and style. A lot of guys go for the messy look and sort of a bed-head chic type of style. Other dudes rock a simple combover, which seems to be remaining a staple until the end of time. It’s easy to achieve trendy styles like a Quiff or Pompadour by just pumping in a little product. These looks won’t necessarily hide your hairline if that’s what you’re looking for, but they will add volume and dimension to the hair in a way that helps.
There are endless pomades out there, but this one from Keeps is a double-whammy as it thickens while it achieves your go-to style.
Pomade via Keeps
Haircuts for Humans Loves All Hairlines
You might not be in love with your receding hairline, but we are. Seriously, our team gets stoked looking up styles for all types of hair. It’s important to be confident with your natural look, so put these suggestions in your back pocket next time you head to the barber. Check out some of our other tips for men to add to your repertoire. Let us know if you decide to trust Haircuts for Humans and do something a little different, will ya? Leave a comment below or tell us how you work with that beautiful receding hairline of yours.
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